December Blog

December: 6.15

Fall Cumulative: 12.15


As we are heading into winter break, I found myself reflecting back on the first semester that I am shocked is already almost over. It has been another year filled with one obstacle after another. With Hurricane Ida, the subsequent evacuations, and the continued fight against the coronavirus, this semester was like no other. However, despite all the challenges, I am grateful we were able to continue the program in a pretty much normal fashion. I have sincerely enjoyed every minute and have made amazing new friends along the way, all while being able to live in the city I love and have called home these last 4 years.  

            For my service this month I did a few things. First, I again had the opportunity to create homemade holiday cards to be sent out to foster children. Instead, this time they were Christmas-themed. Along with a few other classmates, we were able to make a solid amount. While I may not be the most artistic person, my hope is that I will be able to put a smile on at least one kid's face this holiday when they open and see the cards we created. 

            On a separate note, I was also able to head back to Second Harvest Food Bank to volunteer in the community kitchen. Especially around the holidays, they are in need of extra help as donations come flying in. Further, they do not just serve the New Orleans/Louisiana area, so the meals we prepare are shipped out to many different sites. Each time, I volunteer there, I always really enjoy it. The other volunteers and full-time employees all are amazing people who truly just want to help wherever they can. Second Harvest is a phenomenal organization that I encourage everyone to check out. 

            As 2021 comes to a close, the year has been filled with its many ups and downs, but 2022 will only be better. I am excited to see what the next semester has to hold and wish everyone reading, a happy holiday. 


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